• B. M. NWIBERE University of Port Harcourt
Keywords: Employees’ Work Passion, Employees’ Creativity, Harmonious Passion, Obsessive passion, Nigerian Universities, Niger Delta Region, Nigeria


This study empirically examined the relationship between work passion and employees' creativity. The sample for this study consists of 245 randomly selected academic members of staff (both teaching and non-teaching) from the five purposively drawn Federal Government-owned universities in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. A quasi-experimental research design was employed, and data was collected through a cross-sectional survey as it is the most appropriate for the administrative sciences. The Kendall Coefficient of Concordance using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 15 were used for data analysis. The findings indicate the existence of a positive and statistically significant relationship between work passion and employees' creativity in Nigerian universities. Specifically, employees' harmonious passion for work was revealed to have a positive and significant influence on the various measures of employees' creativity (expertise, creative-thinking skills, and intrinsic task motivation, respectively). Conversely, employees' obsessive passion for work was revealed to have a positive but weak and significant influence on the various measures of employees' creativity (expertise, creative-thinking skills, and intrinsic task motivation, respectively). Based on these findings, the study concludes that employees' harmonious passion for work significantly enhances their level of creativity in the Nigerian university system. Conversely, the study concludes that employees' obsessive passion for work hinders their level of creativity in the Nigerian university system. Given the results and conclusions above, it behoves the management of Nigerian universities to continuously ensure and promote work passion among their employees as this can enhance and ignite the spirit of creativity within the university system. Other theoretical and managerial implications for managing employees' work passion and enhancing employees' creativity in the Nigerian university system are also presented.


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How to Cite
NWIBERE, B. M. (2024). WORK PASSION AND EMPLOYEES’ CREATIVITY: THE NIGERIAN EXPERIENCE. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 4(07), 100-124.