• B. M. NWIBERE University of Port Harcourt
Keywords: Employee Rewards and Recognitions. Fairness. Civic Virtue. Sportsmanship. Supportive Human Resource Practices


This study investigates the relationships between employee benefits, fairness, supportive human resource practices, and organizational citizenship behaviours (OCBs) within organizational contexts. The objectives were to assess the impact of employee benefits, fairness and supportive HR practices on OCBs such as civic virtue and sportsmanship. The study employs a quasi-experimental survey design to investigate the relationships between perceived organizational support (POS) dimensions (employee benefits, fairness, and supportive HR practices) and organizational citizenship behaviours (OCBs) (civic virtue and sportsmanship) among academic and non-academic staff members of Rivers State University of Science and Technology (RSUST) and the University of Port Harcourt (Uniport) in Rivers State, Nigeria. The population of interest comprises 1,870 employees from RSUST and 3,800 employees from Uniport, totalling 5,670 individuals. Convenient sampling was utilized to select 375 university staff members based on availability and willingness to participate. Data were collected through structured questionnaires using a five-point Likert scale and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, including linear regression analysis in IBM SPSS version 25.0, with a significance level set at 0.05. The study found significant positive relationships between employee benefits, fairness, and supportive HR practices with both civic virtue and sportsmanship. The Cronbach's Alpha values exceeded .70 for all variables, indicating high internal consistency. Based on these findings, the study concludes that fostering perceived organizational support through employee benefits, fairness, and supportive HR practices is essential for promoting organizational citizenship behaviours among university staff members. It recommends that HR practitioners and organizational leaders prioritize initiatives aimed at enhancing employee well-being, equity, and organizational support to foster a positive work environment conducive to OCBs, thereby contributing to organizational effectiveness and success.


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