• NWIBERE, BARINEDUM MICHAEL University of Port Harcourt
Keywords: Knowledge Application, Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Base Theory, Organisational Creativity


This study sought to ascertain the impact of knowledge management strategies on organisational creativity of hospitals in the Niger-delta region of Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined the impact of knowledge creation, knowledge sharing and knowledge implementation on organisational creativity.  This gave rise to three specific research questions and hypotheses which guide the study. A descriptive survey design adopted for the study; using a cross sectional survey, and the researchers gathered their data from primary sources using a 5-point Likert validated questionnaire. The target population of the study comprised medical staff of both federal and state teaching hospitals in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. Using a purposeful sampling technique, the questionnaire was distributed to 255 respondents across the selected hospitals. The data was analysed using correlation analysis. This method was used to process the data since it allows researchers to estimate relationship between two variables. The result revealed that a statistically significant positive relationship between knowledge management strategies and organisational creativity. Specifically, the result showed beta (β) coefficients of 0.493, 0.681 and 0.904 respectively on the relationships between knowledge creation, knowledge sharing and knowledge application with organisational creativity. Management and policy makers in Health sector especially hospital should as a matter of urgency develop policies that would encourage knowledge management practices in the industry. Also government and other relevant stakeholders are encouraged to improve funding of research and training for medical professionals.


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