This study investigated the relationship between water resources and sustainable development in Bayelsa State of Nigeria. The quasi-experimental with cross-sectional methodthat employed convenient sampling technique to gather data and analyse from a sample of 400 respondents using a questionnaire. Bivariate analysis was employed to analyse 296 completed copies of the questionnaire. The findings revealed that water resoucres had positive and significant relationship with the three measures of sustainable development (economimic, environment and socio-cultural development). This study concluded that appropriate development of tourism products in a destination especially in terms of water resources is very important in the sustainable development of the tourism destination region if the government will develop appropriate tourism policy. The study therefore recommended that tourism business experts and government should invest in tourism centres across water resources since water resources proved to be a strong predictor for sustainable tourism development, Public- Private-Partnership Initiative where government and stakeholders can jointly invest in water-way infrastructures that will engender water tourism developments should be encouraged and the management of Bayelsa state should be concessioned to private tourism expert in order to boost the attraction of these visitor attractions.
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