Stress Management as a component of Work-life Balance with regards to a select field
Work-life balance is the term used to describe those practices that employees do to
achieve a balance between the demands of the employee’s family (life) and work lives. Wherein,
the organisation plays a vital role in achieving the balance. Work-life balance is about people
having a measure of control over when, where and how they work. It can only be achieved when
an individual’s right to fulfill the personal life needs and also working life needs, which are
accepted and respected as the norm within the organisation. This mutually benefit all the three
i.e., the individual, business and society. The concept of work-family life balance has emerged
from the acknowledgement that an individual’s work-life and personal/family life may expert
conflicting demand on each other. Conflict is a normal part of life and is a natural result of
conflicting demands arising from multiple roles such as mother, daughter, daughter-in-law, wife,
friend and employee. In order to manage the negative spillover of conflict, it is important to
balance the demands from both domains.
First Edition, pp. 584.
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4) (Date: 12/8/2015 and
Time: 12:45 PM)
5) JAMES WALKER, “Academic work more and earn less”, People Management Magazine,
2007, ref no.4.
6) KAREN JANMAN, “How to improve work-life balance in your organization”, People
Management Magazine, 2002, ref no.5.
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