Our brief Journey with some properties and patterns of the Mulatu Numbers

  • Mulatu Lemma Professor
  • Jonathan Lambright
Keywords: Mulatu numbers, Mulatu sequences, Fibonacci numbers, Lucas numbers, Fibonacci sequences, Lucas sequences


The Mulatu numbers were introduced by Mulatu Lemma in [1]. The Mulatu numbers are integral sequences of numbers of the form: 4, 1, and 5,6,11,17,28,45...These numbers have wonderful and amazing properties and patterns.

In mathematical terms, the sequence of the Mulatu numbers is defined by the following recurrence relation:

sequence of the Mulatu numbers

The first number of the sequence is 4, the second number is 1, and each subsequent number is equal to the sum of the previous two numbers of the sequence itself. That is, after two starting values, each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. In [1] some properties and patterns of the numbers were considered. In this paper, we more deeply examine additional properties and patterns of these fascinating and mysterious numbers. Many beautiful mathematical identities involving the Mulatu numbers, the Fibonacci numbers, and the Lucas numbers will be explored.

2000 Mathematical Subject Classification:  11


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Author Biographies

Mulatu Lemma, Professor

Department of Mathematics

College of Science and Technology

Savannah State University USA

Jonathan Lambright

Department of Mathematics, Savannah State University Savannah, GA 31404, U.S.A.


Mulatu Lemma, The Mulatu Numbers,Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, Volume 10, issue 4,august 2011, page 431-440.
Burton, D. M.,Elementary number theory. New York City, New York: McGraw-Hill. 1998.
How to Cite
Lemma, M., & Lambright, J. (2021). Our brief Journey with some properties and patterns of the Mulatu Numbers. GPH - International Journal of Mathematics, 4(01), 23-29. Retrieved from https://gphjournal.org/index.php/m/article/view/345

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