Aging slows down with antioxidants: is it possible?

Keywords: Longevity, antioxidation, free radicals, disease prevention, life prolongation


We have excess mortality in many countries, which also affects younger people with no known previous diseases. From this point of view, it seems reasonable to look for life-prolonging methods. According to current knowledge, one of the main factors is the neutralization of oxidants and free radicals. For this purpose, there exist a set of natural means known as antioxidants. This article presents three of them, which have been proven to have a strong effect in preventing diseases and prolonging life. They are: C60 fullerenes, astaxanthin, and glutathione. Their regular intake can be recommended.


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Glutathion-News. Reduziertes Glutathion (GSH) oder GSH-Vorstufen wie N-Acetylcystein (NAC)?

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How to Cite
Doepp, M. (2023). Aging slows down with antioxidants: is it possible?. GPH-International Journal of Biological & Medicine Science, 6(07), 05-15.