Aim: This study assess healthcare waste treatment and disposal methods practiced in all PHC in Yenagoa Metropolis. Methods: A Cross-Sectional Descriptive study design was used. The study population was (16) PHC in Yenagoa Metropolis. A census sampling technique was adopted to obtain (87) personnel staff in this study. The structured questionnaire was used and (74) was retrieved. Data are presented in frequency tables, figures and percentage. Results: Male were 21(28%) while Female were 53(72%). (5) PHC with 28(38%) responded to the practiced of treatment of HCW before disposal while (11) PHC with 46(62%) responded No treatment practiced of HCW before disposal. Among the twenty eight (28) respondents that revealed the treatment of HCW in their PHC, one (1) PHC uses autoclaving/steam sterilization with 7(25%) while (4) PHC with 21(75%) practiced Decontamination/Chemical Disinfection of HCW as the treatment methods. The study revealed that (10) PHC with (61%) responded to the practice of Open Dumping/Burning while (6) PHC with (39%) practice Disposal at Municipal Transfer Stations as HCW disposal methods. 74(100%) respondents indicated that there is no designated unit established to handle HCW. (4) PHC with (30%) indicated the engagement of Environmental Health Officers (EHO,), (12) PHC with (70%) respondents indicated No engagement of Environmental Health Officers (EHO) in the handling of HCW. Conclusion: Government and policy makers should ensure the training of staff such as Environmental Health Officers in all Primary Healthcare Centers and the provision of required facilities with an established unit for the treatment of Healthcare Waste before disposal.
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