Examining the Health Benefits of Olive Oil: A Review Tailored to the Libyan Setting

  • Giuma Elaref Elhafi Department of Microbiology, Veterinary Medical College, Alzytona University, Alzytona, Libya
  • Mahmoud F. Gaballa Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Omar Al-Mukhtar University AL-Bayda, Libya
  • Idress Hamad Attitalla Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, and Dean of Medical Technology , Omar Al Mukhtar University, Al-Bayda, Libya
  • Salha Ali Albakush Agriculture Research Center,Tripoli, Libya.
  • Mona Ali Albackoosh Diabetes and Endocrinology Hospital,Tripoli, Libya
Keywords: Oliveoil, Anti-oxidant,Cardiovascular disease, Cancer, Libya


The health benefits from olive oil are now a fact backed via laboratory experiments rather than a scientific hypothesis, epidemiological and clinical evidence. Plenty of epidemiological studies have correlatedthat the consumption of olive oil was associated with better overall health. In recent years, remarkable studies have been carried out to show the possible use of olive oil and derivatives for improvement of both animal performance and product quality. More Olive oils are produced and consumed in Libya. This review highlighted the most recent advances of medicinal value of olive oil', furthermore; this

review explores the most significant attributes of olive oil in health and pharmaceutical applications. For instance, reduced pure olive oil considerably lowers the risk of cholesterol- related and other vascular diseases. Also exhibits excellent pharmaceutical properties for curingoxidative damage linked to cancerand neurodegenerativediseases. Invivo application of olive oil and its derived products has shown to maintain oxidative balance owing to its polyphenolic content. In addition, this review highlights the medicinal, nutritional and food benefit of olive oil.


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How to Cite
Elaref Elhafi, G., F. Gaballa, M., Hamad Attitalla, I., Ali Albakush, S., & Ali Albackoosh, M. (2024). Examining the Health Benefits of Olive Oil: A Review Tailored to the Libyan Setting. GPH-International Journal of Biological & Medicine Science, 7(04), 14-23. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11125523