• OHWIN Peggy Ejiro Department of Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Delta State University Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria.
  • OFULUE Ofioritse Ogheneyoma Department of Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Delta State University Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria.
  • OVILI-ODILI Zeinab Blessing Department of Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Delta State University Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria.
  • Cooke Esther Eguono Department of Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Delta State University Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria.
  • Asiwe ifeanyichukwu victor Department of Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Delta State University Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria.
  • EPIDEI Elizabeth Ebimobo-ere Department of Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Delta State University Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria.
Keywords: spherical ocular aberration, cylindrical aberration, refractive error, lens prescription.


The society register a large population of person who has never visited the clinic and most of these subjects suffer asthenopia due to either uncorrected spherical or astigmatic condition. This can lead to other damaging visual disorders like amblyopia and strabismus. Most tertiary institutions seem unaware of these indices and the dangers associated; therefore, do not take deliberate steps in the prevention and correction of these disorders leading to a rise in visual impairment among students. This study wished to close the gap between knowledge of asthenopia and its indices in tertiary institutions. The research adopted an incidental random sampling technique and recruited 258 subjects from the target population. Snellen Visual Acuity Test, Slit Acuity Test and Near Point of Convergence (NPC) were performed on the student and findings recorded. Furthermore, questionnaires were administered to subjects for assessment their level of personal refractive error status awareness. Research observed that the percentage of students who were presumed to have spherical ocular aberrations were 18.2% and those without were 81.8%. Cylindrical ocular aberrations were 15.1% and those without cylindrical ocular aberrations were 84.9%. This study also predicted that students with spectacle prescription (8.5%) are less than students with aberrations (24.8%). Furthermore, study showed a weak negative relationship between spherical and cylindrical aberration when compared to NPC (r ₌ -0.116). Conclusively, this study observed that a greater number of this population were ignorant of their refractive status and therefore, study wish to advocate for a proper ocular health screening on-admission and, periodic medical fitness check which must include a comprehensive eye examination with treatment plans including lens prescription coverage.


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How to Cite
Peggy Ejiro, O., Ofioritse Ogheneyoma, O., Zeinab Blessing, O.-O., Esther Eguono, C., ifeanyichukwu victor, A., & Ebimobo-ere, E. E. (2024). KNOWLEDGE OF ASTHENOPIA AND AMMETROPIC STATUS AMONG FRESHERS: OPTOMETRIST VISIBILITY IN UNIVERSITY HEALTH CENTER. GPH-International Journal of Biological & Medicine Science, 7(04), 01-13.

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