Bacterial vaginosis and risk factors: A cross-sectional study among women at Soa District Hospital, Cameroon

  • Marie Chantal Ngonde Essome 1: Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Studies, Po box 13033 Yaoundé Cameroon 2:Yaoundé University Teaching Hospital, Po Box 134 Yaoundé Cameroon
  • Mohamadou Mansour Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Studies, Po box 13033 Yaoundé Cameroon
  • Grace Yimga Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Studies, Po box 13033 Yaoundé Cameroon
  • Paule Anthea Gwet-Mbem Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaoundé I, Po Box 3495 Yaoundé Cameroon
  • Angeline Boula Chantal Biya Fondation, Yaoundé Central Hospital,Po Box 37 Yaoundé Cameroon
Keywords: Bacterial vaginosis, Gardnerellaspecies, women, District Hospital of Soa, Cameroon


Bacterial vaginosis is the most prevalent genital infection, characterized by malodorous vaginal discharge, and has arisen as a public health concern due to its link to sexually transmitted illnesses. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine the prevalence rate of bacterial vaginosis due to Gardnerella species and the risk factors related to this infection in childbearing women at the Hospital of District of Soa.  A questionnaire was administered before each vaginal swab sample was obtained. Bacterial vaginosis was classified as a Nugent score of 7 to 10, and the presence of clue cells. The findings were as follows: 210 women were enrolled in this study. The average age was 29.42±5.15 years, with extremes ranging from 18 to 48years. The age group with the highest representation (38.67%) was 26-33 years. The prevalence of bacterial vaginosis was 42.85% (90/210), with Gardnerella species present at 90% (81/90) and Mobiluncus species present at 3.33%. The 18-25 age group was more susceptible to bacterial vaginosis due to Gardnerellas pecies (35.80%), although the student group was the most affected (32.09%), and the difference was not statistically significant. With a prevalence of 44.44%, the single group was statistically significantly more exposed to this vaginal infection than the other groups. University-level women had a higher prevalence rate of bacterial vaginosis due to Gardnerella species infection (54.32%), followed by secondary-level women (37.03%). Gardnerella speciesvaginosis was found in both pregnant and non-pregnant women (38.27% and 61.72%, respectively). To avoid future obstetric difficulties, this infection must be effectively managed therapeutically


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How to Cite
Ngonde Essome, M. C., Mansour, M., Yimga, G., Gwet-Mbem, P. A., & Boula, A. (2024). Bacterial vaginosis and risk factors: A cross-sectional study among women at Soa District Hospital, Cameroon. GPH-International Journal of Biological & Medicine Science, 7(02), 01-08.