• AMADI, THANKGOD School of Graduate Studies, University of Port Harcourt.
  • IGWE, PEACE Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Port Harcourt
  • OZURU, HENRY NMELISI Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Port Harcourt.


The study’s goal was to look into the affiliation between fear appeal and client patronage in Port Harcourt’s retro-viral distribution hospitals. The objectives were to investigate the effect between perceived threats and self-control on customer patronage of retro-viral distributing hospitals in Port Harcourt, and mediated with audience perception on fear appeal and customer patronage of retro-viral distributing hospitals in Port Harcourt. The three major government-operated hospitals constitute the population for the study and customers of the above organizations served as the respondents to the research instrument, which was determined using Freund and William (2009). The analysis was carried out through simple percentages and Simple Regression, and the results illustrated that fear appeal adopted by retro-viral distributing hospitals in Port Harcourt to a large extent influences the measure of customer patronage; that is, perceived threat influences buying intent and repeat buying positively; self-control influences buying intent and repeat buying positively, and threat severity influence buying intent and repeat buying positively. It was suggested that Retro-viral distributing hospitals should learn to use messages that relate to the consumer's goals and interests to convince customers to make purchases or even become loyal customers.


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How to Cite
THANKGOD, A., PEACE, I., & HENRY NMELISI, O. (2022). FEAR APPEAL AND CUSTOMER PATRONAGE OF RETROVIRAL DISTRIBUTING HOSPITALS IN PORT HARCOURT. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 5(10), 72-87. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7371337