• Tabitha Wangari MSC (Procurement and Contract Management) Student
  • Caleb Odhiambo lecturer
  • Jackson Ndolo
Keywords: Public Tender Requirement, Youths Accessibility to Government Procurement Opportunities


Youth in accessing Government Tenders opportunity has proven successful around the world. However poor implementation of policies has ensured that the vulnerable populations are more likely to be overlooked by the government, and less likely to receive skills and training. Young people are among the distraught or vested parties in many creating economies. Various studies carried out globally and locally indicate Youths are among the disadvantaged or special interest groups in many developing economies. Globally, the World Bank (2010) indicates that many countries are yet to develop procedural frameworks that ensure: Government tender procedures are transparent and promote equity.  The purpose of this study, therefore, was to assess the influence of public tenders requirements on youth accessibility to government procurement opportunities in Nakuru county. The study specifically attempted to establish the influence of financial capacity, legal requirements, and technical capability on youth accessibility to government procurement opportunities in Nakuru County. The study was anchored on three theories, namely: Resource-based view theory, Institutional Theory, and skill-based theory. The study employed a descriptive survey research design using quantitative approaches. The research targeted 110 youths in Nakuru County. The study used a closed-ended questionnaire in collecting primary data. The questionnaires were pretested to ensure validity and reliability. The collected data were summarized and analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics and then presented in tables. The study concluded that financial capacity and legal requirements have a statistically significant influence on the youth's accessibility to government procurement opportunities in Nakuru County. In the context of technical capability, the study concluded that although they have a positive influence on youth’s access to the government tendering process in Nakuru County on their own, the influence is not statistically significant. The study recommends a deeper look into the influence of the various metrics used to examine the influence of financial capacity, legal requirements, and technical capacity on youth accessibility to government procurement opportunities in Nakuru County.


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Author Biographies

Tabitha Wangari, MSC (Procurement and Contract Management) Student

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Thika, Kenya 

Caleb Odhiambo, lecturer

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Thika, Kenya


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How to Cite
Wangari, T., Odhiambo, C., & Ndolo, J. (2022). INFLUENCE OF PUBLIC TENDER REQUIREMENT ON YOUTHS ACCESSIBILITY TO GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT OPPORTUNITIES NAKURU COUNTY. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 5(04), 44-53. Retrieved from