Climate Change Awareness, Environmental Education and Gender Role Burdens Among Rural Farmers of Northern Cross River State, Nigeria.

  • Eneji, Chris-Valentine Ogar Ph.D
  • Onnoghen, NkanuUsang
  • Acha, Joseph Odama
  • Eneyo, OkonEyo
Keywords: climate change awareness, Gender roles burden, Environmental Education, prevention, mitigation and adaptation to climate change


This paper examined climate change awareness level among rural farmers of Northern Cross River State, Nigeria, the strategies adopted for mitigating, prevention and adaptation, gender role burden between men and women due to the effects of climate change and the roles Environmental Education can play in privation, mitigation and adaptation of farmers to climate change effects in  Northern Cross River State, Nigeria. Five questions guided the study. Two sets of instruments were used for data collection, a sample of 1258 respondents were selected for the study. Result analyzed using simple percentage and independent t-test revealed that rural farmers have some level of climate change awareness, 6 out of 9 strategies listed were being used by the rural farmers, women have increased workload burden than men, while Environmental Education can play very significant role in climate change prevention, mitigation and adaptation among rural farmers in Northern Cross River. Environmental Education should be carried to the rural setting to create the needed awareness, knowledge and skills to combat climate change effects.


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Author Biographies

Eneji, Chris-Valentine Ogar, Ph.D

Dept of Environmental Education, University of Calabar, PMB 1115, Calabar, Nigeria;, Mobile No: +23480- 8504 0272

Onnoghen, NkanuUsang

Department of Environmental Education, University of Calabar, Nigeria

Acha, Joseph Odama

Dept. of Continuing Education and Development Studies, University of Calabar, Nigeria

Eneyo, OkonEyo

Department of Environmental Education, University of Calabar, Nigeria


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How to Cite
Ogar, E., NkanuUsang, O., Odama, A. J., & OkonEyo, E. (2021). Climate Change Awareness, Environmental Education and Gender Role Burdens Among Rural Farmers of Northern Cross River State, Nigeria. GPH-International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 3(12), 01-26. Retrieved from