The cultural customs of Afghanistan muslims during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period

based on the results of the interviews

  • Marika Merits
  • Kaire Sildver
  • Irena Bartels
  • Kirlin Meejärv
Keywords: Afghanistan, muslim, cultural customs, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum period.


The thesis is a part of Tallinn Health Care College, Department of Midwifery research: The
cultural customs of Afghanistan muslims during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period:
based on the results of the interviews during professional training of Afghan midwives in Estonia
in 2015.
53% of all the war refugees around the world headed to Europe in 2015, including the refugees
from Afghanistan with Islam as the majority religion. According to Statistics Estonia, the
immigration to Estonia has also increased in recent years. 27% of the migrants heading to
Estonia were from outside of the European Union in 2015. It is important to know the culture of
Afghanistan and similar countries, and to understand the individual needs of the migrants from
these countries in order to provide them with high-quality health care.


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How to Cite
Merits, M., Sildver, K., Bartels, I., & Meejärv, K. (2018). The cultural customs of Afghanistan muslims during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. GPH - International Journal of Health Sciences and Nursing, 1(1). Retrieved from