Digital-Concrete Materials: Revisiting Fröbel in Sketchpad Tasks

  • Stavroula Patsiomitou Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs PhD, University of Ioannina MEd, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Keywords: Digital-concrete materials, DGS environment, Fröbel’s Gifts


The present paper sets out to revisit Fröbel’s play theory, through the open-ended instructional materials, designed for pupils’ learning which he bequeathed to us. Many researchers have highlighted the advantages of digital or computer concrete materials including DGS manipulatives for teaching and learning. In terms of the present study, it is interesting to mention the introduction of Fröbel’s first Gift that I adapted in the DGS environment, designed to provide a play-based way of presenting/inquiring about geometric objects. The proposed DGS materials can be displayed, inquired about, and managed through properly set-up tasks, using linking visual active representations. The dynamic notions (e.g., dynamic point, segment, instrumental decoding, hybrid-dynamic objects, etc.), are taken as given and form the specific theoretical basis for the required processes. Dynamic interdependencies of tools in various sequential steps will be considered for the idea of building DGS Gifts, linked to the pupils’ level of conceptualization.


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How to Cite
Patsiomitou, S. (2022). Digital-Concrete Materials: Revisiting Fröbel in Sketchpad Tasks. GPH-International Journal of Educational Research, 5(10), 01-15.