La pédagogie de l’intégration et le comportement d’évitement vis-à-vis de l’apprentissage du français dans l’enseignement technique et professionnel

  • Bipoupout et Boumela Marthe
Keywords: integrative pedagogic approach, problem situation, integration of acquisitions, avoidance attitude.


The present study which deals with the influence of the integrative pedagogic
approach on students ‘ avoidance attitude towards a school subject matter in general and toward French in particular was carried out on a sample of 30 students of the Saint–Augustin private high school of Ngousso (Yaoundé). The research aimed at determining the impact of an
integrative pedagogic approach on students ‘attitude towards a school subject matter. The research hypothesis said that the use of the integrative pedagogy contributes to the extinction of the avoidance attitude towards school subjects. The data collected through questionnaires, observations and interview were analysed. At the end of three didactic sequences experimental research, the results revealed that the integrative pedagogy through the use of target problems situations, didactic problems situations and integration modules contributes to the extinction of the avoidance attitude of students towards school subjects in general and French in particular.


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How to Cite
Boumela Marthe, B. et. (2018). La pédagogie de l’intégration et le comportement d’évitement vis-à-vis de l’apprentissage du français dans l’enseignement technique et professionnel. GPH-International Journal of Educational Research, 1(1), 31-46. Retrieved from