The Impact Of The Experiential Context On The Consumer’s Emotional Reactions And Behavior: The Role Of Digital Stimuli

  • Dr. Amal Doulkaid Marketing Professor
Keywords: Digital, shopping experience, consumer behavior


Shopping is not just about obtaining tangible products but also enjoyment and pleasure valuable benefits reflected in consumers' spending. Practical and theoretical concerns to examine how the experiential context features of retail stores stimulate consumers' enjoyment and pleasure. Previous studies examine the effects of physical and social environments on shoppers' responses and behavior. However, these studies focus on a limited number of atmospheric variables (e.g., scent, lighting, background music) in order to examine the extent to which consumers react affectively or cognitively.

The development of new technologies and the web advent have led distributors to use digital stimuli. They can be considered as the main levers for manipulating emotional states and triggering purchases.

This article aims to conceptualize the new digital aids used by retailers in order to facilitate the choice and enrich the customers’ experience by providing them with information, reassuring them, saving them time, or entertaining them.


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Author Biography

Dr. Amal Doulkaid, Marketing Professor

ENCG-Settat, UH1, Morocco


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How to Cite
Doulkaid, D. A. (2021). The Impact Of The Experiential Context On The Consumer’s Emotional Reactions And Behavior: The Role Of Digital Stimuli. GPH-International Journal of Business Management, 4(10), 01-11. Retrieved from