The Efficacy of Rhabditis blumi nematode on larvae Sesamia cretica Led. under laboratory conditions.

  • عثمان حسين علي الرفيعي
  • عبد الباقي السيد علي
  • سيف الدين محمد خير
  • محمد زيدان خلف
Keywords: Corn Stalk Digger, Sesamia cretica, Nematoda Insect Nurse, Rhbditis blumi, Bio-Control


Laboratory experiments were carried out on the effect of Rhbditis blumi in the larvae of the sesamia cretica corn stem digger In the experiments, three concentrations of nematodes 50, 100, 150 infectious phases/ml were used and treated in comparison to water only, the experiments were carried out in two ways, one treated the larvae directly and the other treated the larvae's food and calculated the number of dead larvae daily after treatment The results indicated that the nematodo a solution containing 150 infectious stages/ml led to the highest kill rate of 68%, 88% when using nematodes in the methods of food treatment and spraying larvae directly, respectively, the results showed The increase in the number of infectious phases in the spray solution led to an increase in the rate of larvae kill, the concentration gave 50 infectious phases the lowest kill rate of 16% and 32% in the treatment of larvae food and direct spraying on larvae respectively compared to the concentration of 150 infectious phases / ml, which led to the highest kill rate in the larvae of the old corn leg digger The killing rate has gradually increased over time after the treatment, reaching the highest Level after 5 days of transaction

These results can be used in the field of S. cretica corn stem excavator control using Nematoda R. blumi as part of the integrated control programmes for this instalment.


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Author Biographies

عثمان حسين علي الرفيعي

College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan

عبد الباقي السيد علي

College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan

سيف الدين محمد خير

College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan

محمد زيدان خلف

Agricultural Research Department, Ministry of Science and Technology, Baghdad, Republic of Iraq


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How to Cite
علي الرفيعيع. ح., السيد عليع. ا., محمد خيرس. ا., & خلفم. ز. (2020). The Efficacy of Rhabditis blumi nematode on larvae Sesamia cretica Led. under laboratory conditions. GPH-International Journal of Agriculture and Research, 3(10), 12-23. Retrieved from